"Batman: Arkham Legacy" is the title of the new part of Batman games series

"Batman: Arkham Legacy" is the title of the new part of Batman  games series
Batman: Arkham Legacy

Over the past period there have been many rumors and leaks surrounding the "WB Montreal studio" project and it is the new part of the famous Batman games, but the puzzling part here is whether it will be a new part of the series Arkham? Or will it be a whole new Batman game? The answer came quickly.

"Batman: Arkham Legacy" is the title of the new part of Batman  games series

"Sabi", a well-known leaker (who has many confirmed leaks and later announced) via his Twitter account, has already confirmed WB Games's work on Batman, a new part of the Arkham series called "Batman: Arkham Legacy". 
Sabi also mentioned that the game will allow us to experience the whole Bat family.

With Sabi confirming the title of Batman: Arkham Legacy, we believe the game could be announced at the 2019 Game Awards in December, and the game will be released on current and possibly next generation devices.

"Batman: Arkham Legacy" is the title of the new part of Batman games series "Batman: Arkham Legacy" is the title of the new part of Batman  games series Reviewed by olymbTricks on October 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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